
Three Ways a Hostile Work Environment Could Affect a Worker’s Health

Three Ways a Hostile Work Environment Could Affect a Worker’s Health

Unpaid Overtime And Failure To Provide Rest And Meal Breaks In California

Unpaid Overtime And Failure To Provide Rest And Meal Breaks In California

If you are working hours that you believe are too long, if you are not being paid enough, there is a good chance that your employer is violating the law.

Disability, Medical Discrimination, and Failure To Accommodate a Disability

Disability, Medical Discrimination, and Failure To Accommodate a Disability

A disability can affect every aspect of your life, but your work life most of all.

What Is A Hostile Work Environment?

What Is A Hostile Work Environment?

Everyone deserves to feel safe and comfortable in their workplace. Unfortunately, there are several ways a peaceful work environment can be compromised.

Pay Up Hollywood

Pay Up Hollywood

Wage and hour disparities affect employees in many industries and workplaces, including on Hollywood sets.

Are Personality Tests Discriminatory Against the Neurodivergent?

Are Personality Tests Discriminatory Against the Neurodivergent?

A lot of large companies (and many smaller ones) have extensive screening processes they put job applicants through. They often include “personality” tests.

Do Workers Have the Right to Bill for Their On-Call Time?

Do Workers Have the Right to Bill for Their On-Call Time?

Companies generally want to keep their staffing costs as low as possible. Some organizations control costs by paying workers on a salary basis.

Why Don’t People Report Sexual Harassment Quickly?

Why Don’t People Report Sexual Harassment Quickly?

When people come forward with reports of sexual harassment in the workplace, they may be describing events that occurred months or even years earlier.

Sexual Harassment Can Still Happen in Remote Work

Sexual Harassment Can Still Happen in Remote Work

Working from home has become the new normal for many.

What Are Meal Periods in California?

What Are Meal Periods in California?

California workers have many protections that aren’t present in other states.