The law is always changing. Each year, judges render decisions and legislators pass bills that change the legal landscape of California. In 2023, workers will benefit from a host of new or reinforced protections as a result of this ongoing legal evolution. It is...
Year: 2022
Is gender stereotyping in the workplace illegal?
Attitudes are changing, and more people than ever feel free to challenge conventional notions of gender identity and gender expression. Unfortunately, bigotry dies hard. Discimination, even in the workplace, is a very real possibility for transgender people,...
Is your employer violating your wage and hour rights?
Your employer needs to treat you fairly. According to the Labor Commissioner’s Office, employees in California should not exceed 8 hours per workday and 40 hours per workweek. These are the legal numbers in most industries. Working more than the required hours...
Is office dating a type of sexual harassment?
Despite the existence of entire television shows centered around office dating relationships, some businesses will prohibit dating between employees. Even if it is not prohibited, it may be frowned upon. The reason that is often given is that the employer is worried...
Wage theft outranks all other American theft
When most people think about common types of theft, they think of bank robberies or home invasions. They assume that physical assets or financial assets are simply being stolen by individuals in one-time events. But the truth is that some studies have labeled wage...
Understanding California’s prevailing wage law
For close to 100 years, California has had a prevailing wage law that sets the minimum wage that workers must be paid if they are working on a construction project that’s paid for, at least in part, with federal, state and/or local government funding. These projects...
3 ways a hostile work environment can hurt your health
Sexual harassment isn't always about flirtation or a supervisor soliciting you. Sometimes the sexual harassment a worker experiences on the job involves a hostile work environment. A significant number of their co-workers are cruel or exclusionary to them. They never...
Why don’t people always report sexual harassment?
One thing that you find when sexual harassment begins to come to light is that people may not have reported it as often as you would’ve assumed. Perhaps the person who is finally making that report has actually been dealing with it for years and just now decided to...
What constitutes wrongful termination?
As with many other jurisdictions across the US, California is an at-will employment state. Generally, this means that employers can let go of workers without providing them with a reason. This can also provide employees with a little more flexibility in terms of...
Are workplace favoritism and nepotism the same as discrimination?
Few things are as frustrating as seeing some people get better treatment than others in the workplace. While employer favoritism and nepotism are morally wrong, it is only illegal in certain circumstances. Employers typically have the freedom to run their operations...